Welcome to the SCA’s Green Coffee Summit, a home for coffee market resources.
Spotlight: Consuming Markets
Green Coffee Summit wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our Lead Sponsor, Sustainable Harvest.
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Coffee's Essential Worker Community: An Action Oriented Path to Building Back Better with Living Wage and Living Income
Living wage and income have long been gaining steam among the media, global governments, sustainability standards, businesses, and a wealth of other actors, including consumers. But the necessity of ensuring a basic but decent living is more stark than ever in an age where vulnerability abounds.
NEW Market Research
Five Key Takeaways from the National Coffee Data Trends Study: Specialty Coffee Breakout Report
The National Coffee Data Trends Study is packed with information: conducted twice a year, the report tracks coffee consumer trends, attitudes, and behavior. What are five key things that the specialty coffee industry should pay attention to specifically? Learn more from the SCA’s Research Manager, Katie von der Lieth →
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El sabor del cambio climático| 25
Hay muchas tazas de té que resultan memorables. Para mí, las tazas más memorables son aquellas que cambian tu forma de ver el mundo, las tazas que incitan a la acción y dan forma y sentido a lo que hacemos. Hace más de una década desde que una taza de té verde Pu Erh pusiese en marcha un viaje de investigación en el que me propuse examinar los efectos del cambio climático en la calidad del café.
Protegiendo el terroir | 25
¿Qué es lo que hace que los productos alimentarios sean exclusivos de una región, y cómo se protegen desde los países de la UE y el resto del mundo conforme a la ley?
La economía del café: Comprendiendo la rentabilidad a nivel de plantaciones | 25
A la conclusión de Avance (la conferencia inaugural sobre sostenibilidad de la Specialty Coffee Association y primer evento de ese tipo en origen) en la ciudad de Guatemala el pasado mes de octubre, se pidió a los representantes allí presentes que indicaran el área de mayor prioridad dentro de la cadena de valor del café. Más del 90% de los representantes se decantaron por la «rentabilidad para los agricultores».
¿Está desapareciendo el Arábica? | 25
Mientras crece la demanda de los granos de Arábica lavado, la producción total sigue estancada desde hace dos décadas, y va perdiendo cuota de mercado en origen.
Adoptadores vs. superconsumidores | 25
Los hallazgos de un nuevo estudio sobre los consumidores de la SCA no solo han sido muy clarificadores, sino que también puede que permitan abrir el mercado.
2017 US Specialty Coffee Consumption Trends
How many people in the United States drank specialty coffee in 2017? What was the demand for specialty coffee? How had it grown over time?
Water Security and Coffee: Protecting a Critical Resource
We face a global water crisis. Rapid economic development combined with exponential population growth over the past century are increasing demands on water resources, while environmental degradation threatens water supplies.
Vision Check | 25, Issue 10
Are premiums, certifications, and our industry as a whole, doing enough to counteract rising inequality and provide a decent standard of living for farmworkers and their families?
US Coffee Market Overview (2018)
What was the retail value of coffee consumed in 2018? Where was it consumed?
US Coffee Market Overview (2017)
What was the retail value of coffee in 2017? Where was it consumed?
Understanding Shifting Coffee Identity Standards
Mario Fernandéz traces the debates around coffee’s identity, from the first to the third wave.
Understanding Coffee's Global Growth | 25, Issue 12
Coffee industry growth and trends are difficult to quantify on a global scale, but if you start to look at different geographical regions and analyze what factors are leading growth, similarities between markets begin to surface.
Together Is Better: Providing a More Equitable Return to Farming Communities
Miguel Zamora asks: How can the coffee industry provide a more equitable return?
The Taste of Climate Change: Sustainability Lessons from Tea Farmers | 25, Issue 4
The changes Dr. Selena Ahmed measured in the amounts of tea secondary metabolites correspond to the sensory perceptions of farmer, consumer, and standardized taste panelists during our taste tests; the research also documents a decline of up to 50% in household income from tea sales.
The Importance of Collaboration: Building Trust with Local Government in Kenya
Laban Njuguna explores the role of government agencies and the importance of making information available to growers.
The Fermentation Effect | 25, Issue 10
For the past four years, Sophia Jiyuan Zhang and Florac de Bruyn have been working with coffee through a bilateral industry-academia research collaboration between the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium) and Nestlé Research (Vers-chez-les-Blanc, Switzerland), endeavoring to understand coffee post-harvest processing.
The Falacies of “Youth”: Finding New Solutions for Young People in Coffee Growing Communities | 25, Issue 11
Joanna Furgiuele asks: Do we really understand why young people are leaving coffee, or are we making damaging assumptions that keep us from finding real solutions?
The Economics of Coffee: Understanding Profitability at Farm Level | 25, Issue 3
As Avance–the Specialty Coffee Association’s inaugural sustainability conference and first ever event at origin–drew to a close in Guatemala City in October, delegates were asked to indicate what area they most prioritized among coffee’s value chain. More than 90% of participants stood next to the sign reading “farmer profitability.”
The Cost Connundrum | 25, Issue 11
Read about a research collaboration between the University of Muenster’s TRANSSUSTAIN research project, University of California Davis, and the International Coffee Organization that could help build an ongoing benchmark for farmer profitability.
The Coffee Price Crisis and Price Volatility: Can We Tame the C Market? | 25, Issue 7
How does the stock market affect coffee prices in the “real world”? How much of the current coffee price crisis is due to speculation? And are there ways to tame the price volatility in the C market?
Un caso de negocio para incrementar el consumo de café especial en países productores
Las oportunidades adicionales para crear y capturar más valor son clave para que los productores reduzcan el riesgo. Por lo tanto, es vital comprometerse con estrategias que les permitan a los productores crear (más) valor y obtener un mayor y mejor parte del precio al consumidor →