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 Spotlight: Consuming Markets


Green Coffee Summit wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our Lead Sponsor, Sustainable Harvest.

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Featured Video

Coffee's Essential Worker Community: An Action Oriented Path to Building Back Better with Living Wage and Living Income

Living wage and income have long been gaining steam among the media, global governments, sustainability standards, businesses, and a wealth of other actors, including consumers. But the necessity of ensuring a basic but decent living is more stark than ever in an age where vulnerability abounds.

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NEW Market Research

Five Key Takeaways from the National Coffee Data Trends Study: Specialty Coffee Breakout Report

The National Coffee Data Trends Study is packed with information: conducted twice a year, the report tracks coffee consumer trends, attitudes, and behavior. What are five key things that the specialty coffee industry should pay attention to specifically? Learn more from the SCA’s Research Manager, Katie von der Lieth →

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Turning Data into (Ethical) Action
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Turning Data into (Ethical) Action

In 2019, Colombia-based Azahar Coffee Company launched “A Sustainable Coffee Buyer’s Guide” to address the information asymmetry between green coffee buyers and sellers over the value of coffee.

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Coffee Sourcing and Production Trends 2021-2022, Revisited
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Coffee Sourcing and Production Trends 2021-2022, Revisited

The Algrano market report is a once-annual analysis of coffee sourcing and production trends, and to date has focused on the European market. Over the course of one hour, the panelists discuss how the trends they identified at the end of 2021 and at the beginning of 2022 have evolved over the course of the past year, and they provide insight into what these evolutions might mean for the coffee sector going forward.

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Carbono y café
Read, Español Specialty Coffee Association Read, Español Specialty Coffee Association

Carbono y café

La amenaza del cambio climático, así como el impacto que se espera que tenga en los rendimientos de café en todo el mundo, preocupa especialmente al sector mundial del café en 2022.Este informe tiene como objetivo destacar algunas de las herramientas, estrategias y buenas prácticas clave que los actores de la industria del café pueden adoptar para lograr la reducción de las emisiones de carbono, así como para fomentar un debate más específico sobre métodos y resultados verificables, con el fin de aumentar la acción probada y positiva sobre el cambio climático en todo el sector del café

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Carbon and Coffee
Read, English Specialty Coffee Association Read, English Specialty Coffee Association

Carbon and Coffee

The ongoing threat of climate change, and the impact it is expected to have on coffee yields worldwide, is of particular concern to the global coffee sector in 2022. This report aims to highlight some of the key tools, strategies, and best practices that coffee industry actors could adopt to achieve carbon emission reduction as well as encourage more targeted conversation about verifiable methods and outcomes, in order to increase proven and positive action on climate change throughout the entire coffee sector

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Korea Coffee Market Overview 2021
Read, English Specialty Coffee Association Read, English Specialty Coffee Association

Korea Coffee Market Overview 2021

The purpose of this report is to give a broad overview of the South Korean coffee market and the value of select segments therein, as well as indicate trends across both out-of-home and at-home coffee consumption. This overview can give insight into how the South Korean coffee environment is changing over time, and how coffee is consumed in this important market

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Resume del mercado de café en Corea 2021
Read, Español Specialty Coffee Association Read, Español Specialty Coffee Association

Resume del mercado de café en Corea 2021

El objetivo de este informe es ofrecer una visión amplia del mercado de café en Corea del Sur y el valor de determinados segmentos del mismo, así como indicar las tendencias del consumo de café tanto en el sector fueradel- hogar como en el dentro-del-hogar. Este resumen general puede dar insumos sobre cómo el entorno de café en Corea del Sur está cambiando a lo largo del tiempo, y cómo se consume el café en este importante mercado

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Sustainability Toolkit: Data
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Sustainability Toolkit: Data

Take a look at the first results from The Sustainability Toolkit, and learning about the answers most commonly-submitted by roasters and other coffee professionals on their sustainability journey.

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Sustainability Toolkit: Labor and Human Rights
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Sustainability Toolkit: Labor and Human Rights

Advancing decent work and raising the living standards of all workers across operations and supply chains require all companies to adopt sustainable, responsible and inclusive workplace practices, and for companies with supply chains to use their leverage with suppliers to contribute to the realization of decent work globally.

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Tools: SCA Coffee Directory
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Tools: SCA Coffee Directory

Looking to expand your coffee network? Check out this video to learn more about the Specialty Coffee Association's Coffee Directory, a platform designed to help companies reach the SCA’s vast global network of professionals.

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El enigma de los costos | 25
Read, Español Specialty Coffee Association Read, Español Specialty Coffee Association

El enigma de los costos | 25

La crisis de precios actual nos exige formar un entendimiento claro de los factores que determinan la rentabilidad o la sustentabilidad económica para los pequeños agricultores.

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Un caso de negocio para incrementar el consumo de café especial en países productores

Las oportunidades adicionales para crear y capturar más valor son clave para que los productores reduzcan el riesgo. Por lo tanto, es vital comprometerse con estrategias que les permitan a los productores crear (más) valor y obtener un mayor y mejor parte del precio al consumidor →