Welcome to the SCA’s Green Coffee Summit, a home for coffee market resources.

 Spotlight: Consuming Markets


Green Coffee Summit wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our Lead Sponsor, Sustainable Harvest.

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Featured Video

Coffee's Essential Worker Community: An Action Oriented Path to Building Back Better with Living Wage and Living Income

Living wage and income have long been gaining steam among the media, global governments, sustainability standards, businesses, and a wealth of other actors, including consumers. But the necessity of ensuring a basic but decent living is more stark than ever in an age where vulnerability abounds.

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NEW Market Research

Five Key Takeaways from the National Coffee Data Trends Study: Specialty Coffee Breakout Report

The National Coffee Data Trends Study is packed with information: conducted twice a year, the report tracks coffee consumer trends, attitudes, and behavior. What are five key things that the specialty coffee industry should pay attention to specifically? Learn more from the SCA’s Research Manager, Katie von der Lieth →

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From Value to Values: Determining the Worth of Coffee
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From Value to Values: Determining the Worth of Coffee

Anthropology Professor EDWARD F. FISCHER, author of Making Better Coffee: How Maya Farmers and Third- Wave Tastemakers Create Value, explains the different types of value, ways of determining worth, and how we create economic value by drawing on other sorts of values (moral, social, political, and other cultural values) through the lens of his fieldwork in Guatemala.

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Understanding Value in Coffee
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Understanding Value in Coffee

In this four-part series, we will hear from the authors of two recent publications by the Specialty Coffee Association, the Coffee Sensory and Cupping Handbook and the Attributes White Paper. Drawing upon advances in sensory science, the global expansion of specialty coffee, and a commitment to making specialty coffee a thriving, equitable, sustainable activity for the entire value chain, SCA speakers Kim Elena Ionescu, Dr. Mario Fernández Alduenda, Peter Giuliano, and Jenn Rugolo will make the case that the coffee industry's understanding of value has evolved over the past two decades and our tools - like the SCA Cupping Form - must evolve, as well.

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Turning Data into (Ethical) Action
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Turning Data into (Ethical) Action

In 2019, Colombia-based Azahar Coffee Company launched “A Sustainable Coffee Buyer’s Guide” to address the information asymmetry between green coffee buyers and sellers over the value of coffee.

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How Do Cuppers Cup? | 25, Issue 18
Read, English Specialty Coffee Association Read, English Specialty Coffee Association

How Do Cuppers Cup? | 25, Issue 18

Dr. JORGE BERNY and Dr. MARIO FERNÁNDEZ-ALDUENDA share initial results of a collaborative study examining how cuppers cup and exploring the potential impacts of a proposed component of the reengineered cupping protocol.

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Understanding Standards
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Understanding Standards

Dr. Mario R. Fernández-Alduenda explains the checks and balances of the SCA’s new standards development system as a tool to create value for the community.

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Spotlight on the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide
Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association Watch, English Specialty Coffee Association

Spotlight on the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide

Peter Roberts and Chad Trewick present and answer questions about the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide, a project run by researchers at Emory University with an expanding group of data donors, that reports on the distributions of recent Free on Board prices for green specialty coffee.

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Un caso de negocio para incrementar el consumo de café especial en países productores

Las oportunidades adicionales para crear y capturar más valor son clave para que los productores reduzcan el riesgo. Por lo tanto, es vital comprometerse con estrategias que les permitan a los productores crear (más) valor y obtener un mayor y mejor parte del precio al consumidor →