Welcome to the SCA’s Green Coffee Summit, a home for coffee market resources.
Spotlight: Consuming Markets
Green Coffee Summit wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our Lead Sponsor, Sustainable Harvest.
Featured Video
Coffee's Essential Worker Community: An Action Oriented Path to Building Back Better with Living Wage and Living Income
Living wage and income have long been gaining steam among the media, global governments, sustainability standards, businesses, and a wealth of other actors, including consumers. But the necessity of ensuring a basic but decent living is more stark than ever in an age where vulnerability abounds.
NEW Market Research
Five Key Takeaways from the National Coffee Data Trends Study: Specialty Coffee Breakout Report
The National Coffee Data Trends Study is packed with information: conducted twice a year, the report tracks coffee consumer trends, attitudes, and behavior. What are five key things that the specialty coffee industry should pay attention to specifically? Learn more from the SCA’s Research Manager, Katie von der Lieth →
Explore the Latest Resources
Understanding Sustainability Interventions: An Assessment of Experimental Evidence in the Coffee Sector
Economists DAVIDE DEL PRETE and ROCCO MACCHIAVELLO recently completed a literature review of sustainability interventions for the Coffee Science Foundation; here, with PETER GIULIANO, they summarize its findings.
The Incommensurability of Sustainability | 25
The word “sustainability” is everywhere, but do we really know—or agree on—what it means? Professor SARAH GRANT explains why, despite its difficulty, understanding “sustainability” as a framework is a worthwhile endeavor, especially in understanding culturally relative perspectives and the power relations inherent in the promotion of sustainable coffee.
Deanonymizing Coffee: A Case Study
Namisha Parthasarathy explores the history, challenges, and opportunities of specialty coffee in India.
Verified Living Income: Transforming Procurement for Improved Farmer Livelihoods
How can we know we’re paying an equitable price for coffee? Grayson Caldwell explores the idea of verified living income.
Exploring Gender Equity in Coffee's Value Chain
Learn about The Partnership for Gender Equity in this conversation between Kimberly Easson and Freda Yuan.
Better Returns for Coffee Producers | Panel
Bridget Carrington, International Coffee Consultant, Emilio Lopez Diaz with Finca El Manzano, Eva Muthuuri of Eva's Coffee, and Stean Fasol of Stean's Beans explore different strategies for economic resilience that producers can employ to insulate themselves from the fluctuations of a volatile market.
Price, Climate, COVID, Frost: What Should Buyers & Sellers Ask? | Jorge Cuevas
The challenges presented to growers by COVID in 2020 have been compounded by shipping bottlenecks in 2021.
Better Returns for Coffee Producers | Bridget Carrington
In 2019 coffee prices reached 12 year lows and although the last year has seen a welcome reversal of this trend, producers need to find ways of improving their resilience to market forces beyond their control.
The Effects of Frost in Brazil & Container Shortages | Anike Ejlers Wolthers
When frost hit some of Brazil's major coffee-growing regions in July of 2021, the price for coffee on the commodity futures market - the "C" price - rose immediately and precipitously.
Race, Power, Privilege | Re:co 2020
A concise introduction to race, power, and privilege in the hope we open up, admit responsibility where we need to, and collectively find solutions.
Listen, Learn, Lead | Re:co 2020
Understanding the past is a step towards actionable change when it comes to any systemic problem—climate change, gender inequality, racial inequity—but it’s not enough.
Las falacias de la “juventud”: Encontrar nuevas soluciones para los jóvenes en las comunidades de cultivo cafetero | 25
La generación más joven es en este momento la más grande del mundo, pero la edad promedio de los agricultores del café sigue aumentando.
Más allá del estereotipo | 25
Globalmente conocido por sus enormes establecimientos cafeteros, Brasil ocupa el primer lugar del marcador como el “productor de café más grande del mundo” desde hace 150 años.
Examen visual | 25
Las fuerzas de disrupción existentes en las cadenas de suministro agrícolas – las demandas de producción cada vez más exigentes, el acuciante cambio climático, una mano de obra que emigra a zonas urbanas – han hecho que el nivel de ingresos tanto para agricultores como para trabajadores de sus tierras sea marginal a nivel de producción, si bien los segundos se omiten en el discurso sobre los precios del café.
Recuperación: la resiliencia en el café de especialidad | 25
Si la «sostenibilidad» se convirtió en la palabra de moda dentro del café de especialidad hacia finales del siglo XX, parece que el término «resiliencia» va camino de tomar su relevo en este siglo XXI.
Cultivando café de especialidad en tiempos de conflicto: Casos prácticos en el este de África | 25
La región de los Grandes Lagos de África quizá sea la zona más conflictiva del mundo. El Dr JOSEPH KING explora el papel del café de especialidad a través de dos casos prácticos en los que reinan problemas de desarrollo y conflictos, como son los de Ruanda y el Congo oriental.
Vision Check | 25, Issue 10
Are premiums, certifications, and our industry as a whole, doing enough to counteract rising inequality and provide a decent standard of living for farmworkers and their families?
Retos a la producción agrícola por el COVID-19
La propagación del virus COVID-19 en todo el mundo ha causado gran incertidumbre, aislamiento y ansiedad. ¿Cual es la experiencia de los productores de café? ¿Qué información de mercado existe para productores medianos y grandes, organizaciones cúpulas y gremiales, cooperativas y los tostadores, y cafeterías en países productores?
The Importance of Collaboration: Building Trust with Local Government in Kenya
Laban Njuguna explores the role of government agencies and the importance of making information available to growers.
The Falacies of “Youth”: Finding New Solutions for Young People in Coffee Growing Communities | 25, Issue 11
Joanna Furgiuele asks: Do we really understand why young people are leaving coffee, or are we making damaging assumptions that keep us from finding real solutions?
Un caso de negocio para incrementar el consumo de café especial en países productores
Las oportunidades adicionales para crear y capturar más valor son clave para que los productores reduzcan el riesgo. Por lo tanto, es vital comprometerse con estrategias que les permitan a los productores crear (más) valor y obtener un mayor y mejor parte del precio al consumidor →