Welcome to the SCA’s Green Coffee Summit, a home for coffee market resources.
Spotlight: Consuming Markets
Green Coffee Summit wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our Lead Sponsor, Sustainable Harvest.
Featured Video
Coffee's Essential Worker Community: An Action Oriented Path to Building Back Better with Living Wage and Living Income
Living wage and income have long been gaining steam among the media, global governments, sustainability standards, businesses, and a wealth of other actors, including consumers. But the necessity of ensuring a basic but decent living is more stark than ever in an age where vulnerability abounds.
NEW Market Research
Five Key Takeaways from the National Coffee Data Trends Study: Specialty Coffee Breakout Report
The National Coffee Data Trends Study is packed with information: conducted twice a year, the report tracks coffee consumer trends, attitudes, and behavior. What are five key things that the specialty coffee industry should pay attention to specifically? Learn more from the SCA’s Research Manager, Katie von der Lieth →
Explore the Latest Resources
All About Coffee Fermentation
A brief overview of the current state of coffee fermentation science, hosted in partnership with The Fermentation Association, featuring Dr. Mario Fernández, Felipe Ospina, and Rubén Sorto.
Carbono y café
La amenaza del cambio climático, así como el impacto que se espera que tenga en los rendimientos de café en todo el mundo, preocupa especialmente al sector mundial del café en 2022.Este informe tiene como objetivo destacar algunas de las herramientas, estrategias y buenas prácticas clave que los actores de la industria del café pueden adoptar para lograr la reducción de las emisiones de carbono, así como para fomentar un debate más específico sobre métodos y resultados verificables, con el fin de aumentar la acción probada y positiva sobre el cambio climático en todo el sector del café
Carbon and Coffee
The ongoing threat of climate change, and the impact it is expected to have on coffee yields worldwide, is of particular concern to the global coffee sector in 2022. This report aims to highlight some of the key tools, strategies, and best practices that coffee industry actors could adopt to achieve carbon emission reduction as well as encourage more targeted conversation about verifiable methods and outcomes, in order to increase proven and positive action on climate change throughout the entire coffee sector
Walk on the Wild Side: The Future of Wild Coffees in Your Cup
In late 2018, scientists rediscovered Coffea stenophylla— a species unrelated to either Arabica or robusta—in the wild in Sierra Leone, and later confirmed century-old reports of its high cup quality. This rediscovery, and other events, have reinvigorated discussion about the role of non-commercial and underutilized species in the future of coffee. Learn more from a panel of experts on wild coffee: Dr. Aaron Davis, Dr. Sarada Krishnan, Dr. Vern Long, and Dr. Katherine Kiwuka, moderated by Hanna Neuschwander.
From Underdog to Frontrunner: The Opportunities of Specialty Robusta
While the use of wild coffees is still years away from commercialization, another coffee species already makes up 40% of coffee's global production: Coffea robusta. Lower global demand and limited recognition of robusta's quality potential has stifled investment in exploring the opportunities of specialty robusta, but in the face of climate change, it feels as if its time has come. Emi-Beth Aku Quantson makes the case for reframing robusta as a specialty product across impacts from farmer livelihoods to consumer preferences.
What is Quality? Implications for New Variety Development
Hanna Neuschwander of World Coffee Research shares an update on WCR’s 2015 F1 Hybrid candidates through the specific lens of quality.
Innovations with Liberica Coffee
A conversation between Emi-Beth Quantson and Sangai Brisbane of Brisco Natural Coffee.
All About Robusta
Si alguna vez te has preguntando que es el café ROBUSTA, este es el momento. Entrevistaremos a Sylvia Gutierrez, catadora e instructora certificada de robusta QR por el CQI. Ella nos platicará de la especie poco conocida para los consumidores pero muy solicitada por la industria.
Finding your way around in the Processing Revolution | Mario Fernández
Finding your way around in the Processing Revolution | Cómo orientarse dentro de la Revolución de los Procesos
Coffee Fermentation: Current Approaches
Mario R. Fernández-Alduenda, PhD, hosts a discussion leading experts in the field.
Creando estabilidad financiera en el cultivo del café: Soluciones ofrecidas por tres jóvenes profesionales del café latinoamericanos | 25
Con una edad media de los agricultores dedicados al café rondando los 55 años y en aumento, muchas familias cafeteras y sus plantaciones se encuentran en un momento de transición, pasando de una generación a la siguiente.
Estrategias para la Diversificación de los Ingresos en las Zonas Productoras de Café
Con los precios del café en el mercado de futuros (nuevamente) por debajo del costo de producción, en la mayoría de los países productores de café—situación que es poco probable que cambie en el futuro próximo—los productores necesitan encontrar otros medios de sustento. Una de las posibles soluciones es la diversificación de los ingresos.
Creating Financial Stability in Coffee Farming | 25
Hortensia Solis interviews three young Latin American coffee professionals from three different countries to better understand their perspective on the future of coffee production, the industry’s most pressing challenges, and the steps they’re taking to resolve or otherwise navigate them.
Beyond Coffea Arabica: Opportunities for Specialty Coffee with Coffea Canephora
C. canephora deserves a second look, and global warming might bring the opportunity for it to step into the specialty coffee arena.
Un caso de negocio para incrementar el consumo de café especial en países productores
Las oportunidades adicionales para crear y capturar más valor son clave para que los productores reduzcan el riesgo. Por lo tanto, es vital comprometerse con estrategias que les permitan a los productores crear (más) valor y obtener un mayor y mejor parte del precio al consumidor →