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Presentation: Better Returns for Coffee Producers

Presentation and Q&A: Better Returns for Coffee Producers | Bridget Carrington

In 2019 coffee prices reached 12 year lows and although the last year has seen a welcome reversal of this trend, producers need to find ways of improving their resilience to market forces beyond their control. This presentation, based on a recent study into how East African producers could better position themselves to improve their returns from coffee, will look at the needs for capacity building in origin, the skill sets required for success, and the different value addition models that could better equip producers to improve their livelihoods

About the Presenter

Bridget Carrington, Coffee Consultant

Bridget Carrington spent most of her career working in East Africa, where she was Managing Director of C Dorman Ltd, a Nairobi-based East African exporter and roaster, where her role centered around running the coffee sourcing, selling, and exporting operations. As the specialty sector developed, Dormans became more involved in top quality, sustainability, and traceability. During this time Bridget recognized the need to build farmer capacity, and to build relationships with the producers, bringing sellers and buyers together to mutual benefit.

Since leaving Dormans, Bridget has been using her knowledge and expertise to help producers become more informed and better equipped to transact business more successfully and more directly, and most importantly with more financial benefit.

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