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Presentation: Confronting Tomorrow's Risks Today: Key Strategies for Reimagining Resilience in the Coffee Value Chain

Presentation: Confronting Tomorrow's Risks Today: Key Strategies for Reimagining Resilience in the Coffee Value Chain | Alexandra Tuinstra

There is no doubt that we are living through a time of acceleration in the intensity and frequency of crises - climatic, political, market, and health. The ability to not only overcome the blows dealt by a crisis, but to emerge stronger, is becoming essential for rural agricultural enterprises and the coffee farming families they represent.

But what does it mean to be a resilient cooperative, and why is that resilience important to coffee value chains? Join Root Capital to hear about the organization's work to identify the key characteristics and capabilities that a cooperative must possess in order to be prepared to face unforeseen events, particularly climatic ones, and to learn how resilient organizations underpin a prosperous coffee value chain in which all actors manage their risk and improve their performance, benefiting everyone from producers to consumers.

This presentation is held in Spanish, with English subtitles.


No cabe duda de que estamos viviendo una agudización de la intensidad y la frecuencia de las crisis—climáticas, políticas, de mercado, de salud. La capacidad de no sólo sobrellevar los golpes, sino que de salir adelante más fuerte, se vuelve cada vez más imprescindible para las empresas agrícolas rurales y las familias productoras de café que representan.

Pero ¿cómo es una cooperativa resiliente y cuál es su importancia en la cadena de valor? Acompáñenos para conocer—desde la experiencia de Root Capital—cuáles son las características y capacidades claves de una cooperativa preparada para enfrentar los choques, especialmente climáticos, y cómo una base de organizaciones resilientes puede fomentar una cadena de valor próspera, en la cual todos los actores manejan su riesgo y mejoran su desempeño, con beneficios desde los productores hasta los consumidores.

About the Presenter

Alexandra Tuinstra, Chief Programs Officer
Root Capital

As Root Capital’s Chief Programs Officer, Alexandra oversees the advisory services program to build the capacity and resilience of agricultural businesses and smallholder farmers. Alexandra's decades-long career is firmly rooted in expanding financial access for farming families in her home country of Costa Rica and around the world. Before joining Root Capital, Alexandra founded the Farmer Finance program at the Rainforest Alliance, working directly with coffee farming community leaders to improve farmers’ access to financial services. She also formerly worked at the Center for Rural Development Studies to assess the impact of credit access for smallholder farmers.

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